Friday, 18 April 2014

working principal of computer

we know computer is a machine. It works with human interaction by giving commands or instructions.
 The figure will show you working principal of computer
Input device;- Devices through which we give input to the computer for example:-
mouse, keyboard, joystick, light pen,  touch ped, scanner.

Main memory:- Memory is a storage unit .Main memory that situate on the mother board.
This is a temporary memory.(RAM)

Friday, 21 March 2014

What is computer? define simple...

Computer :-
 A computer is a  an electronic machine.Which process raw data and after processing
give a meaningful result, this is known as computer.

There are three words used in computer defination

1) Electronic machine
2) Raw data
3)Meaningful information 

1) Electronic machine:- This is combination of two words electronic+machine.
electronic word come from electricity. And machine means a device that reduce
human efforts.
for example:- Fan,Mobiles etc.

2)Raw data:- Facts and figure that can be recorded. Raw data has no meaning until it is processed.

3) Meaningful information:- Processed data is known as information.

there is another KNOWLEDGE that can be asked 

Study of information to make conclusion or decision is known as knowledge.